When it comes to fall, spring or summer jobs, “I want to” is not a replacement for “I’m going to.” Sadly, the competition for internships and jobs is far more intense in 2016 than it was in 1986, when if you had a pulse … More
Study Groups
Today’s tip comes from my man Alessio Vassalle, a freshman at St. John’s, who’s making the most of study groups. While not all classes lend itself to group work, Calculus sure does. Alessio and three friends explain problems to one another, effectively taking advantage of … More
We didn’t figure it out. So don’t ask kids to do so now.
Quick Poll: How many people reading this are still doing the same job (even if you’ve switched companies) since college? How many of you feel fulfilled by that job? From people with whom I’ve spoken, the number of people answering yes to both is … More