“I can’t say it enough that learning how to learn is one of the greatest skills anyone can have. It’s why I advocate that everyone go to college. I love being challenged and defending my positions and, when I’m wrong, learning from the exchange. It … More
Open your doors to other people
Some good stuff in this story (https://medium.com/the-mission/6-lessons-i-learned-from-six-years-in-college-b9dfa0541da8#.qgtyu1y22) but what I liked the most was the part about meeting different kinds of people. “When you grow up in one area, you think that’s life. You are exposed to the same people, same opinions, thoughts, culture, etc. … More
Learn from older peers: avoid regrets
College student task of the day (who doesn’t love a task of the day?): Ask any recent graduate, or even any senior in college, what they wish they had done differently. Learning everything on your own is expensive; learning from others is free.