Incoming freshmen tip 2 is about making friends. Your first few days/weeks of school, you’ll feel homesick. One of the best antidotes to homesickness is to immerse yourself in your school’s social scene. We don’t mean just getting tanked, either. No, we’re referring to simply … More

Incoming freshmen: You are not alone
Given that some of you will be heading to college for the first time in the next few weeks, we’ll devote some posts to tidbits we think might help with the adjustment. Today’s is simple: You’re not alone. Government statistics indicate that in 2015, approximately … More
How to act on a job: Present solutions not just questions
Last day (for now) of how to act as an entry-level worker. You’ve gotten to work on time, dressed appropriately and gone through some training. Now what? Usually at this point people realize they’re expected to know a lot of stuff, but aren’t quite sure … More