Friday afternoon, the semester’s almost over, tests may not yet have begun, so why not think of how to network? I get it – networking the traditional way (as illustrated in the picture below) sucks, and mostly doesn’t work. This story takes on networking … More

The power of mentors: as told by powerful people
LinkedIn’s series on mentorship makes some fascinating points, as told by people we all know. We at One on One Mentors are often asked why college students need a mentor, with the hidden or not so hidden subtext being that they should “learn things on their own.” … More
Career advice from Bucknell
A dear friend sent me this link in which Bucknell outlines career advice for its students. What leapt off the page for me was this: “[According to] Executive Director of Career Services Pamela Keiser, ‘A student is best able to market themselves when they possess … More