A new friend from Mercy College, Bethany Christian, mentioned that on days when she has no class, she sits in on other classes she’s not taking just to see if there’s a course she should take in the future. 1. Wow. 2. I talk … More
Better Writing
5 quick tips to make you a better writer: https://medium.com/an-idea-for-you/the-two-minutes-it-takes-to-read-this-will-improve-your-writing-forever-82a7d01441d1#.mqgue99c8
Push Past Discomfort
Friday Featured Future Star: Jacob Heifetz-Licht, who proved again that pushing past discomfort is ALWAYS worth it. Jacob had two amazing opportunities to choose from, and went with the unconventional and uncomfortable choice. He’ll be away from home this summer, but I am confident that … More